January 19, 2025

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Adolescent Health Education Programs | Carson City

Adolescent Health Education Programs | Carson City

Adolescence is a time of physical, emotional, and social change for teens. Adolescent Health Educators are available to meet with parents and to teach classes that provide youth ages 10 – 18 years of age with the knowledge and skills to help them be healthy and avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

For more information after reviewing our website call or email Veronica (Roni) Galas, 775-887-2190 | [email protected]

 Adolescent Health Education Programs | Carson CityYou are the most important health educators in your child’s life. Talking to your adolescent about sensitive topics such as abstinence, sex, unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections can be difficult. CCHHS staff is here to help. We offer classes to support you and your adolescent.

The purpose of our educational classes is to give factual information for making proud, responsible, and healthy choices. We encourage pre-teens and teens to talk to you and other trusted adults. A homework assignment in one of the classes provides an opportunity to begin discussions with your pre-teen and teen.

Dad and Son leaning on a fence having a heart to heart talkIf youth are attending our classes with no prior knowledge, we assist in laying a foundation. We teach basic knowledge, definitions, and skills to help protect themselves. If youth already have experience in learning about these topics, we will add to their knowledge and continue to encourage them to make safe and healthy choices. We teach problem solving skills and present scenarios where they can practice decision making. 

Preteens and Teens:

Preteen boys and girls looking at a magazine

You are at a time in your life when you are experiencing growth and change in your body,  emotions and how you think.  Lots of positive things are happening. You are preparing for more independence and responsibility.  You may also face new and different challenges that can put your health at risk. Information on the internet may not always be reliable if you don’t know where to look.

Do these items sound like you?

  • Friendships with your peers has become more important to you.
  • You want to know more about the changes your body is going through and the feelings that are new to you.

    Four Teens interacting Outside

  • You try out new experiences.
  • You want to know about healthy relationships.
  • You may be thinking more about romantic relationships.
  • You are more likely to take risks in front of your peers.
  • You are good at working through decisions when the situation is calm.
  • But, decisions become more complicated with peer pressure.
  • Questions about feelings of attraction and behaviors that can lead to pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections are not exactly comfortable topics to talk about. And who do you ask?

Choose from One of Three Available Classes

Promoting Health Among Teens – Abstinence Only (PHAT)

Scabble pies that spell out, Told You No.This program is for youth 10 – 18 years of age. Classes are grouped according to ages 1 – 3 years apart (10 – 12 years of age, 13 – 15 years of age).

PHAT is a curriculum based in abstinence. It provides pre-teens and teens with accurate information and helpful tools to delay having sex to avoid unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

This program is fun, interactive, and includes youth sharing ideas, videos, games and role play.

Parents and/or guardians give permission by completing a registration/permission form ahead of class sessions.

Class sessions include eight (8) modules:

  • Getting to Know You and the Steps t Making Your Dreams Come True
  • Puberty
  • Making Abstinence Work for Me
  • The Consequences of Sex: HIV/AIDS
  • The Consequences of Sex: Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • The Consequences of Sex: Pregnancy
  • Improving Choices and Negotiation with Relationships
  • Role-plays: Refusal and Negotiation Skills

Overview of PHAT Curriculum

Youth have said the following after completing Promoting Health Among Teens.

” I really enjoyed the games and how you were both always there to answer questions we may have been scared to ask.”

“Thank you for teaching me how to stay safe, healthy, and protected. Thank you for being generous and patient with us. You took a class that could have been awful and made it so much fun.”

“Thank you for taking the time to help us learn about sex and STI’s. I am glad you did the Facts and Myths portion because I did not know some of those things.”

” Thank you for coming to our school and teaching us about healthy relationships. I learned a lot and now I ca understand how to deal with risky situations.”

For more information call or email Veronica (Roni) Galas:

775-887-2190 | [email protected]

Making Proud Choices (MPC)

This program is for youth 13 – 18 years of age. Class sessions are grouped according to ages with 1 – 3 years of each other (13 – 15 years of age, 15 – 17 years of age).

Teen Girl with a heart emoji and question mark above her headThe Making Proud Choices! Program gives teens the information, skills, and confidence to protect themselves from unplanned pregnancy, HIV and other STIs. It empowers young people to change their behaviors and lower their risks by abstaining from sex or by using latex and condoms if they are choosing to have sex.

This program includes video clips, games, brainstorming, role-playing, skills building activities and small group discussions. Each activity lasts only a brief time and involves teens getting out of their seats and interacting with the instructors and other teens.

Parents and/or guardians give permission by completing a registration/permission form ahead of the first session.

Class sessions include eight (8) modules:

  • Getting to Know You and Steps to Making Your Dreams Come True
  • The Consequences of Sex: HIV
  • Attitudes about Sex: HIV and Condom Use
  • Prevention Strategies: Stop, Think and Act
  • The Consequences of Sex: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • The Consequences of Sex: Pregnancy and Birth Control Methods
  • Condom Use and Negotiation Skills
  • Enhancing Refusal and Negotiation Skills

Overview of the MPC Curriculum

Does MPC Encourage Young People to Have Sex?

MPC does not encourage sexual behavior. It stresses delaying sex until a later age as the best way to avoid unplanned pregnancy, HIV and STIs. It encourages healthy relationships so that youth can talk with their partner about decisions to abstain from sex or practice safer sex if they are choosing to have sex.

Youth have said the following after attending the Making Proud Choices! classes:

“Thank you for teaching us how to make good choices and more about health. It was good to learn. Oh yeah and thank you for the food.”

“Thank you for refreshing my mind on healthy habits. I had a lot of fun in this class!”

“Thank you for teaching me how to make smart choices for my future.”

For more information call or email: Veronica (Roni) Galas at 775-887-2190, [email protected]

Families Talking Together

Do you search for resources on how to have a coming -of-age conversations with your pre-teen?

This class is for parents or guardians like you. The two-hour conversation can be done at one time or separated to fit your schedule.

Parents are the number one most listened to source for pre-teens. This conversation can help parents help your pre-teen to avoid risk behaviors through:

  • Relationship and Communication Skills
  • Adolescent Self Esteem and Sexual Behavior
  • Monitoring Strategies
  • Teaching Teen Assertiveness and Refusal Skills

Every parent receives a family workbook that includes nine (9) short parent modules on how to talk with your pre-teen and teen about sex. There are also teen modules about teen relationships, birth control and protection. Parents decide when you are ready and when to share the teen materials.

Resources for Parents

Parents are the most important sexual health educators in their children’s lives.

“Next to infancy, early adolescence is the most dynamic period for brain development – also known as a “window of opportunity”- making this an ideal time for youth to gain and maintain new skills.”

Adolescent Brain Infographic

“Teens want to talk with their parents about sex and relationships.”

Teen Pregnancy – Parent Guide and Resources

Talking with Teens about Relationships

Parent-Youth Infographic

Practicing Abstinence

Talking About Abstinence

Birth Control: Information for Parents and Adolescents

Birth Control Information

Additional Resources

Nevada 2-1-1
Nevada 2-1-1 is s a special telephone number reserved to provide information and referrals to health, human and social service organizations. 2-1-1 services include places to find emergency food, housing and emergency shelter locations, children’s services, support for seniors, older persons, and people with disabilities, and mental health and counseling services, among many others.

Nevada Tobacco Quitline
Provides free and confidential online and telephone-based counseling, in either English or Spanish, for Nevada residents who want to address their tobacco use. This treatment service is delivered by counselors who are trained to treat nicotine addiction for all forms of tobacco use.

Nevada Medical Home Portal
A unique source of reliable information about children and youth with special health care needs

Youth Transitioning from Pediatric to Adult Health Care